Thursday, February 25, 2010

#6 Marc's Story

I think it is weird that one event or place can change your whole outlook on life. When Marc went to Thialand it was a big step for him and he did something that most people can't do. He left his family, went across the world. and had to do medical on people when he had no experience. That takes a lot of courage and toughness to be able to stick with it and help others. he said this changed his life and made him change his views on life and he found himself. That was a huge part of his life and he said one of the best moments in his life. When he came back he thought he had his life all planned out, but he realized he wasn't happy with his welathy and secure career. He wanted to make a difference and I don't think many people can do that. If you were able to go and get a career that paid extremely well and it was secure I am sure most people would do that instead of making a difference in the world. Marc had a lot of courage to be able to do that and I believe he has inspired many people and has helped changed peoples views on the world.

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