Wednesday, February 24, 2010

#5 Kim's Story

We can take from this story that we shouldn't take anything for granted. We are so lucky in Canada to be a free country and it's important that we respect that. Another thing we can take from this is that a picture can change your life. When Kim had that picture taking of her, it was basically a life and death situation. In that time Kim had nothing and now her picture is famous all over the world. That one picture that Kim can barley look at makes people want to take more pictures of her. It changed her whole outlook and action on life, she has moved away from her home to a new home in canada and as she said she is famous but doesn't want to be. She is now a big part in making peace. It is important that we take from this story that even when the worse thing happens in your life, you don't get down about it, you look for ways to change and make it a better world for other people. This is what Kim did, she was in a life or death situation, had a lot of serguries, was self consicious and now living in Canada speaks around the world about peace.

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