Friday, February 5, 2010

#3 Craig's story

Craig's story gave me a whole new perspective of how we can help others. It is amazing that one 13 year old boy could make a big difference in the world. I also find it amazing that even though Iqbal died he still impacted another childs life that eventually would change the world. Not only did craig change his school but he also changed the views of some important figures in our society. He also made a trip to Asia to see what young children were doing in factories. I feel craig is very strong, brave and kind- hearted. It would be hard for a thirteen year old boy to first change the views of others, second to make speeches and go on live television infront of a world audience, and third to be able to see first hand what children are going trough throughout the world. He made a huge impact and it is amazing how many people he has changed to help children.

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