Saturday, June 19, 2010

# 33 we're a Minga!!

The example I choose where a group became a minga was in leadership class for Walk for Wade. We were one group that had one goal which was to raise money for Wade. We came together and were able to complete that goal. As a class we stopped what we were doing to help wade by making t-shirts, collecting money, or making cakes. We made sure that we did the best that we could for wade. I think this is a Minga because we brought the whole school together and finished the fundraiser with a great reward. We brought our leadership class together but we also brought the whole school and community. It felt pretty good to see the school supporting our fundraiser I was so proud of the school and what we accomplished. I wasn't a big part of the organization or anything but I felt really proud and inspired by the school and Wade. I think we could use more Minga's in our community. I think we do it almost everyday maybe working with someone you don't like or doing a fundraiser with the school. The Minga in the story with the Israeli youth and the Palestinian youth working together to deliver pencils to a poor school was a great example.

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