Saturday, June 19, 2010

#36 the end of this part of the Me to We journey

This story definetly fits to be the end of the book. The whole book was supposed to be about the shift from Me to We and in that story we get the understanding of where we are supposed to be. The story is very true for anyone, we can always have a big part in life and to others but it is our turn to make that happen. My plan is to make this happen. I am going to be selfless instead of selfish. My goal is to be less me and more we by the end of my highschool career and it is all up to me. I hope that I can be a bigger part in the Me to We group at our school. Maybe attending more fundraisers or helping out with events. I was inspired by how many people are involved with Me to We and that was my motivation. I thought the book was very good and I loved that they had stories of leaders that made the shift from Me to We. I am definetly going to recommend the book to others so they can make the shift as well.

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