Wednesday, June 16, 2010

#32 Lindsey Avner and the run for the cure

I think her whole childhood she was expecting her mom to get breast cancer. Since breast cancer ran in the family she expected her and her mother to get it. I think it was too early for her to comprehend how serious it was. Her mom had breast cancer and lindsey knew that she was going to die. For her working around the house and keeping her mind off things was her tactic. I felt by reading this story she was also isolated and alone, not because she has no friends but because she doesn't want anyone to see her like this especially her mom. She kept most of her emotions inside instead of sharing them with her father or even her mother. After they heard that her mother was free of the cancer for now, she didn't seem to excited. She new that it would strike her and her mother because of the history of breast cancer in the family. This made her become alone, angry and frustrated because their was nothing she could do. I think that everyone handles this type of situation differently and for her it was trying to figure it out by herself.

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