Wednesday, June 16, 2010

#31 pg 190 victor frankl's words of wisdom

He says that life ultimetly means "Taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fufill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual."pg 190 Victor Frankl. This means that during your life you should take responsibility for your life and take charge of it. Find out who you are and take advantage of the sopportunities given to you. Make sure you do everything that you want to do in life. Everyone has a reason for being on earth and in order to live life to the fullest you have to figure it out and fufill it. I believe in this because it is important to live life to the fullest. I believe that getting what you want or completeing your goals is important in living a successful life. It is important to me that I get the most out of life and in order for me to do that I am going to need to take advantage of opportunities and take charge of it.

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