Friday, March 26, 2010

#19 pay it forward the movie

I thought the movie was very good. It had a great plot which made it veryenjoyable to watch. The movie was sort of predictable but it still had some surprising spots in it which made it interesting. I liked how the boy wasn't the perfect idealistic boy but rather the complete opposite. It gives people hope that they can make a difference in the world. I am also very interested in how the movement went about. How one little boy's idea could change people's views on everything. It was good to see how focused and how determined the little boy was to complete his task and finish the project. I think how hard he worked at this pay it forward plan made people want to go through with it. After he died he still was able to make an impact on people around the wrold. Overall the movie was great because it showed people how much of an impact they can have on the world. I think the movie was idealistic because it seemed like the impact the boy had was bigger then ever. I don't think that many people would have been impacted by his words or they wouldn't of even bothered to pay it forward. People wouldn't of gone to the extremes they did to pay it forward in real life. Some of the plot points in the movie weren't realistic at all like when he died or the romantic plot. But this is how they get peoples attention to view the movie. I also think that making that big of an impact on the world is a little out of reach. Although the movie was unrealistic it still gave people hope for a better life.

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