Thursday, March 18, 2010

#14 a spring clean up

I think that the spring clean up is a very good idea. Their are a lot of people that don't like to clean up their yards and I think many people would go for it. I am definetly in, their are many spots around town that can be cleaned up. This is a great way to recieve money for charity and italso helps the community. Even if the family or household can't or won't pay you it is good that we will still clean it up. I think that cleaning up a near by forest or what not would be good too even though you won't get paid. I thought it was a good idea based on the fact that we are getting out of school and that th money we raise is going to charity. We are creating change in the community by creating a cleaner environment and by reaisin money for charity. I also think this will be a fun experience when you are doing it with your friends.

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