Wednesday, May 19, 2010

#26 the cars in the Bronx, NYC(poor) and in Palo Alto, California (Rich)

I think in the end of the experiment , a conclusion can be made aboout the closer community caring about the deserted cars. Palo Alto was said to be a close community because they cared about what happened in there community and the strangers that lived there. In the Bronx they didn't have a close nit communtity and they didn't care about what happened to them. I think if the student body cared about our school and took care of it we will all stand up together rather then in cliques or gangs. It is important to respect the schools and the students and I think it is hard for some students to realize this. I think we should apply this by picking up garabage or getting to know people that you may or may not know. Being friendly and sticking up up for kids that are being bullied are also a way we can make our community closer. If our school community is strong then i think the ripple affect will happen. Other schools will start to realize that we should be a closer school aswell.

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